Dog Behavior Problems – Coprophagia (eating poop)

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

We’ve all seen it happen – Fido is out in the backyard, doing his business, when he suddenly stops, Sniffs around for a bit, and then… chows down on his own feces! It’s enough to make any pet parent cringe in disgust. But why do dogs eat poop? Is it because they’re gross creatures with no sense of hygiene? Or is there a deeper reason behind this seemingly disgusting behavior?

Coprophagia is the fancy term for eating excrement. Even though this is a bad behavior, dogs, especially pups, often have it. Eating excrement is a disgusting behavior that can give your helpless dog some dangerous inside parasites.

As unappetizing as it may be to us humans, coprophagia (the technical term for poop-eating) is actually a pretty normal behavior in dogs. In the wild, canines will consume the feces of their prey in order to gain all the nutrients and calories they need to survive. And while our domesticated dogs don’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from, they still retain that instinctual urge to consume feces.

There are a few different reasons why your dog might be eating poop. It could be that he’s not getting enough nutrients in his diet and is looking for a way to supplement his nutrition. Or it could be that he’s suffering from some sort of intestinal parasite that is causing him to crave feces. If your dog has started eating poop out of the blue, it’s always best to consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

While it may be gross to us humans, coprophagia (poop-eating) is actually a pretty normal behavior in dogs. There are a few different reasons why your dog might be eating poop, including dietary deficiencies or intestinal parasites. If your dog has started eating poop out of the blue, consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.